Best Way to Stop Ants in House Using Diatomaceous Earth

Is your kitchen being overrun with ants? Do you know where they're coming from or are you simply seeing the path they travel from one destination to another?

Well, the frustration can terminate hither. Don't be concerned nigh introducing an abundance of store-bought solutions and the chemicals they contain.

Instead, reach for natural solutions. You probably already take many of the ingredients on paw. Put them to good use and stop ants in their tracks.

Here are some ideas for natural pismire repellent:

ane. Cinnamon

use cinnamon powder as a natural ant repellent

Don't you dearest the sweetness and spicy scent of cinnamon? Well, ants don't. The smell drives them crazy and makes them desire to avoid your abode altogether.

If you know where the ants are entering your home, sprinkle cinnamon at the entry points. You lot can as well put a few drops of cinnamon essential oils and water in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture on the area they travel and wipe it down. Do this one time per day.

2. White Vinegar

My kids and ants are on the aforementioned folio when it comes to white vinegar. Neither of them can stand the scent of it. Thankfully, this solution is inexpensive and piece of cake to put together.

Follow a 1:one ratio of white vinegar and water. Place it in a spray bottle and squirt the areas the ants travel and their entry points in one case per day until no ants are remaining.

iii. Borax

This is my favorite selection for kicking ants out of my house. I apply it anytime I take troubles with them. I create a borax sugar syrup. I use approximately i-office borax to 2 parts sugar. I'll add together enough water to make the mixture into a thicker syrup.

From there, I dip a cotton wool ball in the mixture until it's soaked. I put the cotton brawl on a newspaper plate and wait equally the ants draw to it because of the sugar in the syrup. The borax is lethal to the ants and volition, in plough, take care of their invasion in your home.

four. Lemon

Lemon is excellent for numerous things, only one of the unique uses for lemon is to deter ants from your home.

Rub a piddling lemon juice at the spots in your abode you know ants are inbound through. Information technology could be windows, doors, baseboards, and whatever other areas where they can fit. The ants don't similar the scent and volition stop using these entry points.

5. Peppermint

Do you enjoy the fresh scent of peppermint? This is great considering it could exist a neat way to become rid of the ants in your abode while calculation a fresh smell.

The scent will deter the ants, and it also makes information technology hard for them to smell possible food sources. Y'all can grow peppermint in your indoor herb garden, or yous can dry it out and sprinkle some at their entry points.

6. Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous globe is a wonderful product with many uses. It'south great to rid pests both indoors and outdoors too.

Y'all'll sprinkle DE at the entry points and paths the ants travel. This will cut through their exoskeleton and dry the ants out.

seven. Humid Water

If you know where the original ant hill is where the ants are coming from, consider taking out the problem in ane swoop.

All you lot demand is a pan full of humid water and to dump it onto the ant loma. This will take out the entire colony and cease your home invasion.

8. Water and Soap

Dish soap has a way of getting rid of unwanted pests. Ants are no dissimilar. Put water in a spray bottle and add a few drops of dish liquid.

From at that place, spray the mixture in the path of where the ants travel. This will proceed them from being able to smell their routes and prevent them from roaming around your home.

9. Chalk

Writing in chalk to deter ants

This one is an interesting idea which has worked for generations. When my grandmother had an issue with ants, she'd draw a chalk line.

If they were traveling on the counter, she'd depict a line where they traveled. If they were coming in through a window seal, she'd seal the window with a chalk line. For whatever reason, ants won't cross through the chalk.

10. Baking Soda and Carbohydrate

This is a way of using an pismire's make-up confronting it. You'll demand to mix equal parts baking soda and powdered sugar in a bowl.

The powdered sugar will draw the ants, just the baking soda will mix with an ant's normal acidity level and crusade them to die.

11. Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds to get rid of ants

When you take leftover java grounds, don't toss them. Instead, employ them as role of your ant defense organisation.

Ants don't like the scent of coffee. You lot can put the coffee grounds straight on the ant hill or apply them at entry points. This will cause the ants to move their entire abode and get away from your house.

12. Cornmeal

Cornmeal is some other humane mode of dealing with ants. You spread the cornmeal where the ants enter and travel.

Again, this is a substance they don't intendance for. This won't kill the ants, but it volition deter them from traveling near the cornmeal.

13. Cream of Wheat

If yous aren't quite as worried virtually the humane treatment of an pismire and more than concerned with just getting rid of them, this is an option for you lot.

Place cream of wheat out for the ants to eat. They'll ingest it, and it volition piece of work like blow-up powder. Every bit the cream of wheat expands, it causes the ants to explode.

xiv. Aspartame

This one is somewhat scary. How many of u.s. apply artificial sweeteners on a regular basis? I'm guilty, but did you know they tin can be used by themselves to kill ants.

Between the sweet flavoring and the actual substance itself, the ants are fatigued to the sweetness and dice from the consumption of the artificial sweetener.

15. Castile Soap

If you don't have diatomaceous earth, but you practice have castile lather on hand, put it to good use. It will work the same way as diatomaceous world.

Spread the soap at the entry points and areas traveled by ants. They'll march through it, and information technology'll dissolve their exoskeleton. This will crusade their bodies to dry out out.

xvi. Garlic

Garlic is a delicious crop to go on effectually, but did y'all know it's beneficial at ridding your home of ants besides?

You guessed it. Ants don't care for the odour of garlic either. Exist sure you place fresh garlic where the ants enter your dwelling house to deter them.

17. Oranges

Would you imagine ants don't similar oranges either? Well, they don't. This is excellent news for you, though because this is one more natural repellent.

Place the orangish peels where they come into your home, and y'all'll automatically deter them with the scent.

18. Pepper

Pepper is some other natural ant repellent. Ants don't like the smell of it. Therefore, you should sprinkle pepper at the entry points.

But recall to sprinkle pepper anywhere you see ants traveling. They'll avert it and leave your abode alone in the process of staying away from the pepper.

19. Salt

You don't need a fancy type of common salt to get rid of the ants in your habitation. Regular tabular array common salt volition do the flim-flam and ship the message they aren't wanted in your residence.

Be sure to sprinkle the common salt at the entry points and along the paths the ants travel in your home. This should be an cheap and natural method of getting rid of them.

xx. Prune

Did you know many times ants are drawn to your dwelling house and brand their way into your dwelling past what you lot leave outside?

For instance, if you have shrubs which aren't being manicured, they could depict carpenter ants. The ants will get from the shrubs to your home with ease. Be sure to proceed your abode well-manicured, simply specially take care of the plants near your home.

21. Seal Your Home Upwards

Ants make their way into your home through cracks in windows, doors, and baseboards. Anywhere in your dwelling, you tin tell at that place is an opening, know an ant can arrive this way.

With this in mind, exist sure to caulk cracks in baseboards, add weather stripping to windows and doors, and seal off any other openings in your home to proceed ants out.

22. Tansy

Finally, tansy is a herb which has many unusual uses. Information technology has been used for years to continue pests at bay in the home and garden.

If you'd like to have a beautiful flowering herb virtually your door to add beauty and keep the ants away likewise, this could be what y'all need.

Well, yous now accept 22 unlike options for keeping ants away naturally. These options will hopefully be sufficient for yous and go on the uninvited guests out of your dwelling house.

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