Tips for Not Getting Jet Lag


I've been in Asia for three weeks and I take tips for not getting jet lag for you! Having jet lag on a holiday can prevent you lot from making the most out of your trip. Waking up a couple hours early on when you are visiting California is non a big deal, but wanting to sleep all twenty-four hours when you lot visit Asia is a problem. Luckily, my husband has helped teach me how to not go jet lag – apparently, when your family lives in three different parts of the planet this becomes an essential life skill. Here are our tips for not getting jet lag:


The first thing to consider is your flying. Consider a stopover! We went to Tokyo on the mode to Singapore. Information technology broke up the 24 hours of flying time and I recollect that made the time adjustment easier. If yous are going to Europe, consider flying Icelandair and stopping over in Iceland.

The number one thing on your listen in one case you lot board the aeroplane needs to be the time you will land at your destination. For example, when my 11am flight was landing at 2pm (the side by side mean solar day with the time change) in Tokyo, my idea was that I needed to stay up until 8pm after landing. My idea was that I needed to become enough residuum and so that I could stay awake for six hours later on landing, I wasn't obsessing on sleeping during the right times on the flight.


Do some prep work. I knew that the more I slept on my 14-hour flight to Tokyo the better. First off, it helps to pass the time, and secondly, with more sleep I would exist able to brand an easier aligning to the time modify. Just if I went to bed at a normal fourth dimension the night before my flight… I wouldn't exist able to sleep much on the flying. My solution was to stay upwards until 3:30am to start getting myself on Tokyo time, and to make myself extra tired for the flight so that I would slumber. I would merely suggest doing this if you are going someplace with a 10+ time zone departure.


Over the counter sleeping pills are your friend. I took i every bit soon every bit nosotros boarded our flight to Tokyo considering it was the center of the night in Tokyo and sleeping at the beginning of my flight would help become me adjusted to the new time zone. The sleeping pills can also be helpful subsequently you lot arrive at your destination and you find that it's getting belatedly and you are non tired.

You and your traveling companions are in this together. You are a team and you are contesting jet lag together. You lot don't want to get on different schedules. Even though I was exhausted at 4pm when we settled into our hotel room and all that I wanted to practice was sleep – I went out for dinner with Charles.


Chances are you will be exhausted when y'all arrive at your destination. The best communication I can requite is to just suck it up and do everything you tin can then that y'all will go to bed at a reasonable time and sleep through the nighttime. Our start night in Japan we went to bed at 8pm and woke up at 6am. We got up a footling early, but we woke up feeling completely 100% after ten full uninterrupted hours of sleep. If you do things like have naps, you tin be setting yourself upwards then that you can't sleep through the dark.

Do y'all have any communication for battling jet lag? I would dearest it if you shared your tips in the comments! Side by side week I volition start to tell you about my trip to Tokyo, Singapore, and Indonesia.


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